============ Installation ============ Dependencies ============ * django-model-utils: https://github.com/carljm/django-model-utils/ Initial setup ============= The package is listed in the `Python Package Index`_. You can use your favorite package manager like ``easy_install`` or ``pip``:: pip install django-nomad-notifier Or, you can clone the latest development code from its repository and add the folder to your python path. For example, if you use `virtualenvwrapper`_:: git clone git@github.com:Nomadblue/django-nomad-notifier.git add2virtualenv django-nomad-notifier/ .. _`Python Package Index`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-nomad-notifier/ .. _`virtualenvwrapper`: http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ Add ``notifier`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting of your ``settings.py``:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'notifier', ) This app uses `South`_ migrations to nicely update your database with the ``Notification`` model schema:: python manage.py migrate notifier .. _`South`: http://south.aeracode.org/ Otherwise you can go on yourself and sync with Django command:: python manage.py syncdb